Tornado™ DNAse

Recombined engineered DNAse I with increased processivity. Concentration: 2 U/µl.
Product Code:SizePriceQty
1009-10T 1000 U
    102.96 €
1009-50T 5000 U
    258.96 €


Tornado™ DNAse (RNase-free) is an endonuclease that digests ssDNA, dsDNA and DNA in DNA-RNA complexes. The enzyme contains an additional domain responsible for the effective binding of a substrate DNA. The result is a versatile nuclease that possesses remarkably higher affinity towards dsDNA, even in the nM range of the DNA concentration.


  • removal of contaminating genomic DNA from RNA samples
  • removal DNA matrix post in vitro transcription.
  • study of DNA-protein interactions by DNase I footprinting
  • preventing false positive PCR results in one-step RT-qPCR


    Real time PCR for 16S RNA (multicopy) gene product performed on BioRad® CFX® instrumentCaption
    Real time PCR for 16S RNA (multicopy) gene product performed on BioRad® CFX® instrument


Tornado™ DNAse